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Can Tarot Card's support your wellbeing?

I've always been interested in divination

I've always been interested in divination, but I didn't know where to start. When I began exploring tarot cards as a way to connect with my intuition and understand my own path better, it changed everything for me.

Now that I have several years of experience with the tarot, I want to share some of what I've learned with you!

Tarot is a divination tool that can offer guidance, clarity, and focus to your life.

The tarot can be a powerful tool to help you understand your life, see the big picture, and find meaning. It can help you focus on what is important to you in this moment and clear away the distractions that stand between you and happiness.

I have found tarot to be a useful tool for finding clarity in my life. I love using it as a way of exploring how I am feeling or thinking about something, because it helps me make sense of things that might otherwise seem confusing or overwhelming.

When used correctly (with the right question), tarot can give us answers that we didn't even know we were looking for!

The tarot can offer advice on any issue you are facing or question you want answered.

Tarot is a tool for reflection.

This can be a powerful thing in itself, as it helps you focus on what's important to you and find meaning in the things that happen around you. It can also help set goals, clarify your thoughts about an issue or problem and give advice on any issue or question you are facing.

When people use tarot as part of wellbeing practice, they have found it has helped them gain clarity about their own lives and provided guidance for making decisions that improve their wellbeing.

You can ask tarot about positive emotions, like love and happiness.

It is a great way to understand your emotions and work with them. The cards can help you understand why you feel the way that you do, and what actions are best for you at this time.

Tarot also allows us to express our emotions in new ways, which can be really beneficial. For example, when someone is feeling sad or lost in their life, they might use tarot as a tool to help them explore those feelings more deeply; they might ask questions like “why am I feeling this?”


“what do my emotions mean?” This can lead them on an exploration of themselves and the world around them which could encourage personal growth.

You can also ask tarot cards about negative emotions, like fear and anger.

Tarot can also be used to discover meaning in negative emotions, like fear and anger. If you have an emotion that makes you uncomfortable, tarot can be a safe place for you to explore it.

By asking questions about your emotions, tarot can help find clarity in them, or give some context as to why they’re showing up at all.

I once had a client who was struggling with anxiety when she came into our first session together. She didn’t feel comfortable talking about her feelings or experiences in therapy so instead we talked about her relationship with spirituality and whether she believed in the power of intuition.

This led us down a path where I asked if there were any particular cards that could represent her fear; this opened up the dialogue between us and helped me get a better sense of what she was feeling without being too direct or intrusive about it!

You can use tarot cards to talk about relationships with other people.

You can use tarot cards to talk about your relationships with other people. You can also use them to talk about your relationship with yourself, or you can use them to talk about how you feel towards the universe at large.

When we look at our relationships with other people, there are many different aspects that come into play: how those people make us feel when they’re around us, how we feel when we spend time alone after spending time with them (or vice versa), what feelings they evoke in us generally, and so on.

Tarot cards are a useful tool for exploring all these aspects and more.

Tarot cards can also talk about your relationship with yourself (and the universe at large).

Tarot cards can also talk about your relationship with yourself (and the universe at large).

If you're struggling with feelings of dissatisfaction, or if you feel like there's something missing from your life, a tarot reading can give you some insight into what that might be.

The Tarot can help us see how we've been treating ourselves and others and offer advice on how to make changes in our lives so that we feel more fulfilled.

Tarot is not a replacement for professional therapy or medical care.

It's important to remember that tarot is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical care.

It can be a valuable personal support tool, but it shouldn't replace the services of a trained professional in any way.

When you're experiencing difficult emotions or need help with your mental health, don't rely on tarot readings as the only source of support—talk to someone who can help you directly.

While it should not take the place of professional help, tarot can be a valuable personal support tool.

While it should not take the place of professional help, tarot can be a valuable personal support tool. Asking your cards questions about positive emotions, such as love and happiness, can help you gain clarity in your life. You can also use the cards to ask questions related to negative feelings like fear or anger.

  • Picture this scenario: You’re at work and feel frustrated because your boss just asked you to do something that will take up half of your day without compensation. When this happens (and it happens often), I usually pull out my tarot deck and ask my deck what I should do next time my boss asks me for more work without additional pay.

  • If we are looking for answers about our career path or whether we should hire someone new into our team then asking the cards directly is best since they will respond with honesty unlike a human who may sugarcoat their advice with kindness in order to keep things polite.*

Tarot is a tool, and like any tool,

It’s not going to do all the work for you. But at its best, tarot can help you gain perspective on your life and make better decisions about how to move forward.

Remember that this is something that takes time and practice—but if you try it out, I think you’ll find some really valuable insights along the way!