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Set the intention

It's the season of resolutions, goals and intentions.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! 2023

This is a time when we see NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS everywhere: Meida, advertising even over coffee with friends


How many new year resolutions have you stuck to, and achieved?

If you're like me, and millions of others chances are you have talked a big game but haven't actually achieved what you set out to do on January first: lose weight, eat better, get that new job, write that book, make your first million dollars….

Hate to say it but it’s never going to happen!

WHY? Because these goals are too big!!!! They sound good but are ultimately unachievable.

I challenge you to change the language and make a plan for this year's goals.

This is what I did Last year:

  • Sit down and think of what you want. For me I wanted to get fit again, no big deal, I didn't want to lose 10 pounds or become Mr. Olympia. Just get fit enough to feel good at 46 years old.

  • I made a plan: do some exercise everyday no matter what it was. For me I decided to get to the gym everyday to do a workout from a recycled program for 7 days in a row.

  • Execute the plan: get into the gym everyday. Monday through Sunday I went to the gym everyday and did SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE.

After just one week I had gone from being uncertain about what I was doing to being confident enough to appear daily and do a little more than I started with. The intention was to do 1 thing everyday to get me a step closer to my goal.

At the end of 2022 I had achieved what I had set out to do, “feel good at 46 years old”

So what's the new intention for 2023?

Change the language from goals and resolutions to intentions. Do 1 thing every day that takes you one step closer to your desired outcome.

Intention => Plan => Execute